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SARAH DENNIS - Free Materials


Sarah was born and raised in Midvale, Utah into a faithful LDS home. As a family, they attended church every Sunday. From the time Sarah was young, leaders in the church always told her how “special” she was, that she would do great things. This resulted in an enormous pride complex, making her think that she was in some way superior to others in righteousness. In her teenage years, God showed her the error of this thinking. Sarah always had a desire to be close to God, and being faced with her sinful nature, thought that by embracing the LDS church and its works and doing her very best to live up to their expectations, she could somehow erase all the bad she saw in herself.


In January 2004, Sarah’s mother was killed in a car accident.  Sarah was crushed. But God reached down in her time of need and she felt His presence like never before. Sarah spent many sleepless nights and tear-filled days in prayer, pouring her heart out to God and seeking His comfort, and she found a love she had never known.


In September 2005, Sarah attended a Saturday night Institute activity. There, she met a handsome young man named Stefan Dennis. Their relationship moved fast; 1 month later, Stefan proposed and they were married 3 months after that on Jan. 28, 2006. 


Toward the end of 2007, Sarah started noticing a change in her husband. All he did was read the Bible, and he was less interested in going to the LDS temple and doing all the other things Mormons are required to do. Then in Jan. 2008, he confessed that he no longer believed in the Mormon Church. He told Sarah all the reasons why and had Bible scriptures to back them up. Sarah was furious and fought him with every ounce of strength she had.  But when their conversation resumed the next day, Sarah felt God reach down again.  He told her that she was the one with a hard heart and she needed to listen. Sarah said a quick prayer for God to show her what the truth was, whatever it might be. She accepted her husband’s challenge to read the New Testament as a child and was forever changed. She saw the reason all her attempts to change herself had been unfruitful:  only Jesus can change the heart. After this eye-opener and reading many Bible verses that proved her religion false, Sarah and Stefan made the decision to leave their works-based religion for a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.


Sarah continues to grow in the grace of God, and gives Him all the glory and praise for changing her.  She and Stefan have two children, Noah (16) and Ethan (13).

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